AZ-104T00A Microsoft Azure Administrator
Informacje o szkoleniu
Szkolenie przygotowujące do egzaminu AZ-104. Tematyka dotyczy średniozaawansowanych funkcjonalności z chmury Azure.
Po odbyciu kursu, można przystąpić do egzaminu Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator. Po uzyskaniu wyniku pozytywnego z egzaminu, kursant może otrzymać cyfrowy certyfikat Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate.
Module 1: Identity
Azure Active Directory
Users and Groups
Lab: Manage Azure Active Directory Identities
Module 2: Governance and Compliance
Subscriptions and Accounts
Azure Policy
Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
Lab: Manage Subscriptions and RBAC
Lab: Manage Governance via Azure Policy
Module 3: Azure Administration
Azure Resource Manager
Azure Portal and Cloud Shell
Azure PowerShell and CLI
ARM Templates
Lab: Manage Azure resources by Using the Azure Portal
Lab: Manage Azure resources by Using ARM Templates
Lab: Manage Azure resources by Using Azure PowerShell
Lab: Manage Azure resources by Using Azure CLI
Module 4: Virtual Networking
Virtual Networks
IP Addressing
Network Security groups
Azure Firewall
Azure DNS
Lab: Implement Virtual Networking
Module 5: Intersite Connectivity
VNet Peering
VPN Gateway Connections
ExpressRoute and Virtual WAN
Lab: Implement Intersite Connectivity
Module 6: Network Traffic Management
Network Routing and Endpoints
Azure Load Balancer
Azure Application Gateway
Traffic Manager
Lab: Implement Traffic Management
Module 7: Azure Storage
Storage Accounts
Blob Storage
Storage Security
Azure Files and File Sync
Managing Storage
Lab: Manage Azure storage
Module 8: Azure Virtual Machines
Virtual Machine Planning
Creating Virtual Machines
Virtual Machine Availability
Virtual Machine Extensions
Lab: Manage virtual machines
Module 9: Serverless Computing
Azure App Service Plans
Azure App Service
Container Services
Azure Kubernetes Service
Lab: Implement Web Apps
Lab: Implement Azure Container Instances
Lab: Implement Azure Kubernetes Service
Module 10: Data Protection
File and Folder Backups
Virtual Machine Backups
Lab: Implement Data Protection
Module 11: Monitoring
Azure Monitor
Azure Alerts
Log Analytics
Network Watcher
Lab: Implement Monitoring
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